Friday, 3 November 2017

Convention on Supplementary Compensation for nuclear Damage (CSC)

 CSC an important multilateral treaty relating to liability and compensation for damage caused by a nuclear incident.

 The CSC was adopted in 1997 aiming at increasing the amount of compensation available in the event of a nuclear incident through public funds.

 The fund is to be made available by the Contracting Parties on the basis of their installed nuclear capacity and UN rate of assessment.

 It also aims at establishing treaty relations among States that belong to the Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, the Paris Convention on Third Party Liability in the Field of Nuclear Energy or neither of them

 India had also passed its own domestic nuclear liability law, the Civil Law for Nuclear Damage (CLND) Act in 2010.

 Countries such as the U.S. have said that the Indian law’s provisions are violative of the CSC, but this has been denied by India.