Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Recommended Books and Materials for UPSC Prelims

  1.  Indian Polity : 

     Indian Polity - For Civil Services and Other State Examinations | 6th Edition Paper

     Current Affairs from Major Event in India 

  2.  Geography    :   6 to 12 NCERT Once 
                               Importantly  11th Physical Geography 
                                                    12th Human Geography 

                                Indian Geography 9th Edition by Majid Hussain 

                              Current Geographic Event from World and India * Most Important as per Trends

  3. Economy       :  Static Portion 
                              Indian Economy by  Ramesh Singh 12th Edition 
                               Mrunal You Tube Channel 
                               Mrunal Material In Paper Format

                               Current Affairs                         : The Hindu , BS , PIB
                               Coaching Monthly Booklet     :  Vision Ias , Drashti , Rau's , Foram Ias any One 

  4. History    :   6 to 12 NCERT once or two Times 
                                  Modern India by Spectrum Publication
                                  Modern India by Bipin Chandra (12th NCERT)
                                  Medieval India by Satish Chandra Part 1 And Part 2 Separate 
                                  Ancient India and Medivial 2nd Edition  by Poonam Lal Dahiya or TN books

  5. Culture            :    Indian Culture by Nitin Singhania 3rd Edition

  6. Environment    :  7th Ed, Environment by Sankar IAS 

  7. Science & Technology :  Latest Current Events in Science 
                                             Application Based Questions
                                             Read Sector Wise : Space, Defense , Biotechnology , Agriculture ,                                                    Mission 

  8. Current affairs :  NewsPaper : the Hindu , Indian Express
                               Coaching   Monthly Magazine : Vision Ias , Drashti , Rau's ,Inisghtindia , Ias Baba , Vajirao, ( * anyone )

    Important Website 

    3. The Hindu 
    4.Vision Ias 
    5. Drashti
    6. Insightonindia
    7. IASBABA
    8. Rau's
    9. GS Score
    11. Unacedamy

    Material available in Various Telegram Channel