Monday, 18 September 2017

Asian Nature Conservation Foundation

The Asian Nature Conservation Foundation (ANCF) , a non -profit public charitable trust is actively involved in the conservation of the Asian Elephant, considered to be a keystone species in the biologically rich forests of South and Southeast Asia. Fragmentation and loss of habitat coupled with illegal hunting has led to a drastic reduction in wild elephant numbers. 

ANCF has embraced the fact that the conservation of this flagship species entails the protection of entire landscapes and promotes field research projects and on the ground conservation initiatives pertaining to the Asian elephant and its habitat.

ANCF is a small group of conservation scientists, planners, information managers and administrators
working together to support the conservation of biological diversity in India. ANCF was established in 1997 as a charitable trust by the eminent conservation scientist, Prof Raman Sukumar, Chair of the Centre for Ecological Sciences, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. It is governed by a Board of Trustees chaired by Prof Sukumar. Mr Thomas Mathew, an experienced conservation planner and manager serves as the Executive Director. ANCF has its headquarters at the Innovation Centre office of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. While ANCF is constituted as an independent group of conservation professionals, in implementing its programmes it works closely with Government agencies, sister research and education institutions, civil society groups and community organizations.


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